Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

The Persecution of Jeremy Hill (Updated, 9/8)

JeremyHill of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, shot and killed a grizzly bear that threatenedhis children. The federal government is seeking to imprison him forviolating the Endangered Species Act. Idaho Governor Butch Otter wrote a nauseatinglysycophantic letter to someone he insisted on addressing as “The Honorable”Ken Salazar, the federal Secretary of Interior, pleading that the Regime be measured and magnanimous in carrying out its persecution of that innocent man.

“I recognize the federal jurisdiction under the EndangeredSpecies Act, but I strongly support the right of individuals to defendthemselves and others in such situations,” sniveled Otter. “One of the flaws ofthe ESA is the premium it places on protecting species at the expense ofeverything else. Although an individual can protect human safety under the law –as Jeremy felt he was doing – it’s a shame that the Endangered Species Actstill does not enable citizens to protect their private property and pets inthe same manner.”

That aspect of the ESA is not a “shame,” but rather thepredictable and intended result of the measure, which codifies aworldview called “biocentrism” in which human beings are simply one speciesamong many, and individual property rights do not exist. What is shameful,however, is Otter’s continued insistence on posturing as a representative ofthe people of Idaho, rather than a kennel-fed lapdog who knows the exact lengthof the leash connecting him to his masters in Washington. Were the Governor a worthier canine specimen, he would recognize this as a time to bare his teeth.

After killing the bear that had invaded his property andendangered his family, Hillcontacted the local office of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. Twoofficers were dispatched to examine the bear’s remains, and they certified whatshould be obvious to people whose minds aren’t cankered with eco-collectivistcant: Hill’s actions were entirely justified and more than a little courageous.

Jack Douglas, the Boundary County Prosecutor, conducted hisown inquiry into the shooting and concluded that Hill was “forced to takelethal action” in order to protect his wife and four of the couple’s sixchildren. Only one of the bears was killed, Douglas noted, and Hill “didn’tfire at the retreating bears because they no longer posed a threat.” 

This ends the matter. If Butch Otter, who loves to swanaround in cowboy attire, had sufficient sand to fill an hourglass, he wouldinform Salazar that no federal official in the State of Idaho will be permittedto have any contact with Jeremy Hill or any member of his family. He would alsoinform Commissar Salazar that any federal official who molests or harasses themin any way will be taken into custody and evicted from the state. Otter wouldthen issue instructions to that effect to the Idaho State Police and, ifnecessary, the Idaho National Guard. 

 After all, isn’t Otter the same intrepid, independent-mindedbadass who loves to speakabout “nullification” and “interposition” – the same bare-knuckled slab ofRocky Mountain individualism who proudly “nullified” theObamacare monstrosity in the Gem State? 

Well, no – not exactly. 

This is the same Village People-gradeersatz buckaroo whose attorney general collaborated with theObama regime to punish a group of orthopedic surgeons who organized toprotest federally imposed price controls on medical treatment.  He’s the same Janus-faced specimen whopostures as the indomitable foe of federal meddling in health care – and then proudlyannounces that he has secured millions of pilfered dollars and is willingto permit Obamacare to operate within Idaho on a “case-by-case basis.” 

Given that substantive record, it’s not surprising thatOtter, in dealing with the Jeremy Hill case, reacted by tugging on his forelock,rather than thrusting out his chin.

“I would sincerely appreciate your looking into this caseand assisting any way you can,” Otter simpered in his letter to Salazar. With theunfailing instinct of a natural collaborator,Otter pointed out that Federal prestige might suffer if the persecution of theHill family continues. The Feds need “to consider the impacts to grizzlyrecovery efforts because of Jeremy’s case,” Otter wrote. “There is great publicoutcry about this issue, and prosecution may further damage community supportfor recovery efforts.” 

Here Otter sought refuge in a familiar collectivistdialectic, treating Hill’s legitimate rights and the illegitimate demands ofthe federal eco-bureaucracy as if they have comparable moral weight – and implicitlyseeking a “compromise” that will minimize the damage done to the victim whileprotecting the usurped power of the aggressor.  This is unsatisfactory: Any attempt to punishHill – even to the extent of stealing the time necessary for a preliminaryhearing – would be a crime. 

If Jeremy Hill had been wearing a government-issued costume,and his “victim” had been an unarmed human being, rather than a federallyprotected grizzly bear, he would be enjoying a paid vacation rather than facingfinancial ruin and the prospect of a year in prison. The talismanic phrase “officersafety” would be ritually invoked, officials would perform the appropriateroles in a pantomime of an inquiry, and the entirely predictable ruling of “justified”would be delivered. 

In the event that the details of this episode were toowell-documented to deny, and sufficiently outrageous to shock the publicconscience, a settlement would be paid with money extracted from tax victims,and the offender would be discharged without criminal charges or personal civilliability. That’s how this matter would play out, once again, if Jeremy Hillhad been a law enforcement officer who committed an act of criminal homicide, ratherthan a father who killed a wild predator that threatened his children.

Boundary County, some will recall, is where a wolfpack ofhired killers called the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team laid siege to the home ofpolitical non-conformist Randy Weaver, murdering Weaver’s teenage sonSamuel and his wife, Vicky.  LonHoriuchi, the FBI sniper who admitted to the killing of Vicky Weaver, wasspared federal prosecution underan exotic doctrine described by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals as “SupremacyClause Immunity” – which in practice operates exactly like the discredited “NurembergDefense.” 

Under this doctrine, according to the Court, theonly significant questions were these: Was Horiuchi acting under orders fromhis superiors, and was the kill-shot justified by "his subjective beliefthat his actions were necessary and proper"? Once those questions wereanswered in the affirmative, Horiuchi was immunized from either civil or criminalprosecution. 

A few months after handing down that ruling – which devisedwhat dissenting Judge Alex Kozinski memorably denounced as a “007 Standard” forlethal force by federal agents -- the Ninth Court partially reversed thatdecision by acknowledging that the State of Idaho could prosecute Horiuchi forcriminal homicide under state laws. Denise Woodbury, an assistant prosecutorfrom Boundary County, was prepared to prosecute the FBI sniper, but then- incomingcounty attorney Brett Benson – reacting to pressure from the state government –demurred. 

There is no doubt that Jeremy Hill acted in a “necessary andproper fashion.” No human being was harmed as a result of his actions. Yet LonHoriuchi remains at large, and no doubt collects a federal pension – and Hillmay well lose his home and his freedom (whatever that word means for a subjectof the detestable Regime that presumes to rule us).

The persecution of Jeremy Hill offers that rarest of things –an opportunity for a government to act in defense of an individual’s rights byinterposing itself between the victim and the assailant. 

Jeremy Hill is not going to prison. If Otter and the sillylittle government he heads aren’t willing to interpose on that man’s behalf,there are plenty of us living in Idaho who will. 

UPDATE: The Feds get their (half-)pound of flesh 

The headline announces: "Feds drop charge against Idaho grizzly shooter." Three paragraphs into the story we learn that this wasn't a recognition of Jeremy Hill's innocence, or an act of supposed clemency, but rather a successful act of extortion: "As part of a deal, Hill agreed his actions violated a regulation of the Endangered Species Act against removing nuisance bears and paid a $1,000 fine."

This is exactly the kind of resolution Butch Otter had sought: The issue is disposed of in a way that will abate the growing public outrage, while preserving the Federal Government's supposed authority to enforce the totalitarian Endangered Species Act. 


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Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Liquidate Your Local Police: An Idea Whose Time Has Come (Updated, August 26)

 Mary Lee Cook, an 84-year-old resident of Oak Hill, Florida, didn't seem like the kind of person who would secretly cultivate marijuana behind her home. Yet on June 6, deputies assigned to the East Volusia County Narcotics Task Force materialized on her doorstep. 

 Diane Young, Chief of the Oak Hill Police Department, supposedly responding to an anonymous tip, had already visited the scene. Without notifying Cook or presenting a search warrant, Young had climbed a fence and taken photographs of the offending plants.

The deputies searched Cook's backyard
and found a half-dozen desiccated pot plants. Although under what is advertised as the "law," this was sufficient evidence to justify arresting the octogenarian and seizing her property. In this case, however, the deputies destroyed the plants and dropped the charges. 

It was her considerable good fortune that Cook was the mayor of Oak Hill, a town of about 1,500 people. She had inherited that position just a few weeks earlier when her immediate predecessor, Darla Lauer, resigned in disgust and frustration. The proximate cause of Lauer's dismay was Chief Young -- the same officer who had supposedly received the "tip" about Cook's secret marijuana garden, and had used illegal means to take photographs of the contraband.

Young was appointed Oak Hill Police Chief in 2010 by a 3-2 vote by the Town Commission; Cook (at the time a Commissioner) and then-Mayor Darla Lauer cast the two negative votes. Prior to being selected as chief, Young was the city's code enforcement officer -- that is, she was a uniformed pest issuing petty extortion demands (also called "citations") against local property and business owners. Young discovered her vocation for law enforcement relatively late in life, getting an associate's degree in law enforcement and attending the academy at the age of 48. 

In her application to the Oak Hill Police Force in 2002, Young admitted to an extensive history of drug use, which included marijuana, cocaine, and quaaludes. None of those substances should be prohibited, of course, and Young was never arrested or prosecuted for her drug use. She insists that she was not addicted to drugs or alcohol, but the scope of her admitted activity suggests otherwise. That behavior should have disqualified Young for a position on the force -- and certainly should have been a deal-breaker for her appointment as chief. However, three members of the Town Commission were close personal friends of Young and were willing to approve her candidacy -- and to misplace her personnel file. 

Once ensconced as Chief, Young immediately vindicated her critics. She certified one newly hired officer, Brandy Sutherlin, as "fit for duty" -- even though he failed a drug test immediately before being sworn in. Shortly thereafter, Sutherlin -- who was off-duty at the time -- got involved in a "road rage" incident in which he pursued another motorist on I-95 at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour while firing several shots at the fleeing vehicle. 

At the time, Sutherlin's three young children were in the car with him, a fact that prompted a 9-11 dispatcher to demand repeatedly that he stand down. 

Young stubbornly defended Sutherlin's actions until Henry Frederick, an independent journalist who runs the blog, publicized the 9-11 recording. This prompted Sutherlin to resign -- and then-Mayor Lauer to start pressing for Young's resignation. 

Last February, Youngnarrowly escaped being removed as Chief when a motion placed before the TownCommission resulted in a deadlock, with Lauer and Cook voting to remove the Chief. Describing herself as "fed up with the corruption under the command of an inept chief," Lauer resigned and prepared to relocate to Alaska, where her husband had found work as an air traffic controller. Cook succeeded Lauer as Oak Hill Mayor just as the police department split open at the seams like a bloated carcass.

In late June -- shortly after Young apparently tried to set up Cook for a phony drug arrest --
Sgt. Manny Perez filed an affidavit accusing Youngof ticket-fixing, sexual and ethnic harassment (such as grabbing him in intimate fashion and referring to him by such demeaning nicknames as "Mexican jumping bean"), and official corruption. Perez also claimed that after he expressed misgivings about Young's performance to a member of the City Commission, the Chief "initiated two (2) Internal Affairs investigations" against him. 

Perez was accused of stealinggasoline and suspended from the force. The charge was later dismissed as "unfounded." However, as a condition of being reinstated, he was compelled to sign a waiver promising not to pursue legal actionagainst Young and the city government. In aninterview with, Perez described Young as a Machiavellianoperator who “pits officer against officer and … gets them to do her bidding.” 

Young, Perez insists, should “never have been promoted as chief or evenhired as an officer in the first place since she has admitted to more than ahundred felonies” – meaning one hundred separate instances of cocaine use. The Oak Hill PD was a “sinkingship,” Perez lamented, with officers being driven out by a “coke-snorting policechief.” 

On August 1, Mayor Cook finally obtained the long-pursued third vote to remove Young as Police Chief -- and as an added bonus, the Commission simply liquidated the town's entire six-member police force

Even if we accept the unwarranted assumption that police help deter crime, we're still left with this question: Why did Oak Hill, a minuscule town in which violent crime is practically non-existent, have a police force? 

While Manny Perez appears to be a conscientious individual who would make a good hire for a private security company, the department itself seemed to exist only to provide patronage jobs for the likes of Diane Young and "Gypsy Cops" such as Brandy Sutherlin -- who has been forced to leave three police departments since 2006 -- and  Mike Inhken, who was hired by Oak Hill after being cashiered by the Volusia County Sheriff's Office amid charges of theft. 

Almost exactly a year before Oak Hill disbanded its corruption-plagued police department, the municipal government of Maywood, California was dissolved after repeated lawsuits against its incurably thuggish police department bankrupted the city. Other small towns across the country -- such as Kilbruck, Pennsylvania; Columbus, New Mexico; Hoschton, Georgia; and Pewaukee, Wisconsin -- have dismissed their police forces, usually as an austerity measure.

Police forces -- like practically everything else -- were extravagantly over-built during the late economic bubble. Liquidation is a vital part of every economic correction, and dismantling the local affiliate of the Homeland Security State is a splendid way to begin that process. This is why everyone blessed to live in a small town should take the opportunity to share the Oak Hill story with the city council, coupled with this admonition: Go ye, therefore, and do likewise. 

Video Extra: The Sunriver Story Struggles to the Surface
Nobody in the "respectable" media appears willing to pick up the story of Robert Foster, the long-time resident of Sunriver, Oregon who has been accused of "stalking" the police in that tiny resort town. In fact, he is being stalked by the police, who are engaged in a conspiracy to deprive him of his constitutionally protected rights and, if possible, imprison him or at least exile him from the town. Foster's only "offense" has been to call for the abolition of the police force, which cannot justify their existence in a "town" that is little more than an overgrown housing development.

Despite the fact that literally hundreds of pages of documents -- most of them sworn depositions by police and the other principals in the controversy -- are easily obtained, neither the Bend Bulletin nor the local television station, KTVZ, is inclined to follow up on this bizarre and eminently newsworthy subject.

"I find it difficult to believethat anybody with a scintilla of journalistic instinct would pass up thisstory," I wrote to one of the local media gatekeepers in an e-mail challenging him to pursue the matter. "If there are shortcomings in the way I have dealt with this story,please -- by all means -- show me and the rest of the world how actual professionaljournalists would handle it differently."

His reply demonstrates the depth of sycophantic deference to "authority" that typifies establishment journalism even at local level:

"I have been a journalist for 30years and have done pretty well at it, and had best just leave it at that.Anything more could land me in trouble with my supervisors, and rightly so."
The heroic Bill Meyer, host of a morning program for Medford, Oregon's KMED-AM, has given the Robert Foster case some coverage. As the video below demonstrates, the story is leaking out by way of samizdat as well. 

(Note: The original version of this essay incorrectly named Waukesha, Wisconsin -- rather than Pewaukee -- as a town that had abolished its local police force. "Sorry to say, we still have a police force in Waukesha and it's a stinker," wrote a local resident, who tipped me to the story linked above. I apologize for the error, and offer my sincere apologies to the afflicted residents of Waukesha.)

Your donations are vital to keep Pro Libertate on-line -- and they very much appreciated!

Dum spiro, pugno!

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Ricky the Rent Boy

Precocious Poseur: College-age Rick Perry displayed an early gift for role-playing.

Treason, Talleyrand famously said, “is a matter ofdates.” Rick Perry has amended and updated that principle as it applies to theFederal Reserve’s inflation of the money supply, and the official profligacy that results. Posturing for the benefit of terminally credulous Republican groupies, Perrydeclared that it would be “almost treasonous” for the Fed to inflate themoney supply to “boost the economy" -- when the anticipated boost would serve the political prospects of the incumbent federal chief executive, that is. 

Perry's complaint punctuated a standard stump speech in which he depicts himselfas the architect of a supposed job-creating miracle in Texas. As chiefexecutive of the state government, in fact, Perry was little more than a pass-throughfor federal subsidies made possible by the Fed's relentless official counterfeiting. 

As the Austin American-Statesman reported on July 17, "almost half of the state's job growth the past two years was led by education, health care and government, the sectors of the economy that will now take a hit as federal stimulus money runs out...." The advocacy group Texas Watchdog points out that "stimulus jobs in Texas cost about $130,000 per job -- and a handful of them cost more than $1 million apiece." 

This gusher of plundered funding helped generate an employment rush, as college graduates in appropriate fields surged into Texas in pursuit of a taxpayer-funded job. This created a multiplier effect in the housing market and the services industry. Now that the stimulus boom has dissipated, the inevitable bust will come. Perry and his handlers have calculated that this won't happen until after he's relocated to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

For decades, the military-industrial complex has been the tentpole of the Texas economy. Since 2001, the Pentagon's share of Leviathan's pilfered largesse has more than doubled, with much of it channeled to arms contractors -- particularly aerospace firms -- in North Texas. Notes the Dallas News: "North Texas' economy is buoyed by the billions of taxpayer dollars that pour annually into companies that build military aircraft, missiles and computer systems." 

"There is a real irony in having a governor that rails against federal spending and doesn't want to take money from Washington, and yet some parts of our state are heavily dependent on federal spending for their economic health," observed economist Bud Weinstein of Southern Methodist University's Maguire Energy Institute. 

That's the same species of irony on display when the same governor who strategically spouts secessionist sentiments suddenly discovers a divinely appointed destiny to become the Dear Leader of the central government he supposedly despises.

While the economy of North Texas has been sustained by the Warfare State, the border region's banking and real estate sectors have prospered immensely from the Regime's drug war in Mexico. 

"Texas dominates drug entry into the U.S., which means it dominates the wholesale drug trade," wrote Tina Rosenberg of New York magazine. "It's a big business: The DEA's rough guess is that $27 billion in drug proceeds flow back out of the U.S. to Mexico, Colombia, and so on. And another pot of money stays here." 

"If you have a few million, would you invest in a war zone or a bank in San Antonio?" asks Jack Schumacher, a recently retired DEA official who was stationed in Texas. Schumacher told Rosenberg that "In San Antonio, a high-dollar trafficker can buy a $2 million or $3 million place and exist for a long time."  This might help explain why median home prices in San Antonio are higher now than in 2005. The sudden arrival of wealthy drug war refugees might also explain why San Antonio's housing market spiked dramatically in the first quarter of 2010, which -- given the prevailing national trend -- was an interesting anomaly. 

"Mexicans in Texas are hardly new, but in recent years it's middle- and upper-class families in Mexico's north who have also made the exodus, bringing their savings and businesses with them," Rosenberg points out. Many of them are productive entrepreneurs seeking to avoid the U.S.-instigated violence that has claimed the lives of 40,000 lives since 2006. Some of them, speculates Michael Lauderdale, a professor of criminal justice at the University of Texas, "come with funds from the drug trade." 

It's not just the banks and real estate companies that have come to depend on narco-boodle. Many Texas law enforcement agencies have grown dependent on funds seized through "asset forfeiture." Witness the efforts by the Texas legislature to expand the use of highway checkpoints – for seat belt enforcement, license and insurance inspections, and drug and weapons searches – in order to rake in "forfeiture" funds to compensate for shortfalls in tax revenue. This is another sector of Texas' "miracle" economy that depends on government stimulus: Call it pharmacological Keynesianism.

The War on Drugs is an immensely lucrative price support program for the criminal class on both sides of the "law." If reason were restored to her throne and drugs were de-criminalized, prices would fall, violence would dissipate, and criminal empires --of both the official and quasi-official varieties -- would disintegrate. Prohibition is immensely profitable for those who are politically connected and sufficiently ruthless.

Rick Perry, an individual so thick he makes Bush the Dumber look like Giambattista Vico, probably doesn't understand the economics of this issue, but the people controlling him do. This is why he has been made to utter all of the formulaic incantations regarding "border security." He has repeatedly called for the use of Predator drones to police the border, and has suggested that the U.S. -- which is already engaged in low-key military operations in Mexico -- should conduct an overt military invasion of our southern neighbor

Like his immediate predecessor in the Governor's Mansion, Perry has done his considerable best to expand the prison industry, whose donation-laden lobbyists began cultivating his favor when he was Lieutenant Governor to George W. Bush. Not surprisingly, the prison-industrial complex has played a significant role in the state's supposed job boom. 

Morgan Reynolds of the National Center for Policy Analysis in Dallas -- a conservative think-tank funded by a clique of corporate socialist oligarchs -- captured the vision of the Bush-Perry approach to penology by denouncing the "tired old socialist model" of prison labor, and insisting that wardens should see themselves as "marketers of prison labor" for the benefit of politically connected corporations. 

In his fascinating study Going Up the River: Travels in a Prison Nation, author Joseph T. Hallinan relates how Reynolds suggested that prisons  should be built "not where the crime is but where the jobs are. In Texas, he says, prisons could even take advantage of the North American Free Trade Agreement by making products near the border for shipment to Mexico." 

"You could put a prison between Houston and north of the border -- McAllen, Brownsville -- and create value-added there," Reynolds recommended. Prison administrators should make decisions based on the "commercial opportunities" of their institutions, Reynolds concluded: "It's pretty clear that's where the future is if we're going to grow our prison population."

Littlefield, Texas tried that "If you build it, they will come" approach in 1999, borrowing $10 million to build a 372-bed medium-security prison operated by the GEO Group -- a major "private" prison contractor (and political ally of Perry). The prison was vacated in 2009 after GEO withdrew from the facility following the suicide of Randall McCullough, an inmate who was kept in solitary confinement for a year as a punitive measure.

The suicide prompted the Idaho State government to cancel its contract with GEO , which has been hit with a wrongful death lawsuit by McCullough's son. GEO dismissed all 74 of its employees and vacated the facility, thereby taking a needle to Littlefield's prison-inflated economic bubble.

The town of 6,000 was hit with a "BB" bond rating and burdened with monthly loan payments of $65,000 to pay for an empty, depreciating prison. "To avoid default, Littlefield has raised property taxes, increased water and sewer fees, laid off employees and even held off buying a new police car," reports the Texas Observer. (You know things are serious when the local junta can't afford new toys for their costumed enforcers.) 

After contracting with Southwest Correctional to conduct a frantic search for prisoners to fill its jail, the Littlefield municipal government decided to auction off the facility to anyone willing to pay at least $5 million for the privilege of owning a cage. (The city eventually sold the prison -- a "turnkey operation" -- for $6 million.) Lubbock may soon face the same problem as it struggles to find bodies to fill its 200-inmate jail, and other towns that fell prey to the fallacies of incarceration Keynesianism will soon follow in their wake.   

As Governor of Texas, George W. Bush signed off on 152 executions, an apprenticeship in executive bloodshed that prepared him to preside over two wars of aggression. Rick Perry, described as "George W. Bush on steroids" by the kind of people who would consider that description a compliment, has authorized 231 officially sanctioned killings. That figure includes the execution of Cameron Todd Willingham, who was convicted of murder by arson. A subsequent investigation of the fire using more reliable forensic techniques demonstrated conclusively that it was an accident, rather than a crime.

 In 2009, as the Texas Forensic Commission was finishing a potentially devastating review of the Willingham case, Perry fired its chairman, an independent-minded Austin attorney named Samuel Bassett, who had resisted efforts by the Governor's aides to control the direction of the inquiry. Bassett was replaced by a lickspittle prosecutor named John Bradley, who screwed the lid down tight. 

When asked about this transparent effort to derail the inquiry, Perry -- who, like Bush, gave death penalty appeals only the most cursory attention -- insisted that Willingham was a "monster" who simply deserved to die, facts be damned.

After the Texas Child "Protection" Services kidnapped 400 children from their polygamous Mormon families in 2008 Perry instructed spokeswomanKrista Piferrer to confer his benediction on the crime:
"The Governor is very proud of the work being done byCPS.... CPS has handled a very complex situation bothprofessionally and compassionately. " Perry also "applauded" theCPS for promising an "internal" inquiry into the charges, which was tantamount to granting plenary authority to conduct acover-up.

 The mass child-napping at El Dorado's YFZ Ranch was carried out in the name of a child "sex abuse" investigation triggered by an anonymous report later discovered to have been made by a mentally unbalanced woman in Colorado. Healthy, happy, well-adjusted children were seized at gunpoint -- with Perry's approval -- and cast into a government-run foster care system riddled with abuse, including murder and the sexual molestation ofchildren as young as three years of age. 

While that crime was underway, Perry was grudgingly conducting a "top-to-bottom review" of the TexasYouth Commission (TYC) following revelations of widespread physical andsexual abuse of teenage detainees by guards, staff, and other inmates withinthat juvenile correctional system. The agency would go through a half-dozen chief administratorswithout displaying  any serious improvement. As I noted in commenting about this case three years ago: Given the near-ubiquity of criminal violence and abuse directed at children inRick Perry's Texas, it's possible that the notorious YFZ Ranch was the only placein the state where children were safe from such treatment.

 Rick Perry, pious protector of female virtue, was the same chief executive who attempted  to force every 11-12 year-old schoolgirl in Texas to undergo an exceptionally riskyvaccination for a sexually transmitted disease. In doing so Perry --acting on behalf of corporatist allies in the pharmaceutical industry -- bypassed the legislatureto order those injections by executivedecree

Fret not, however: Employing the mildest conceivable language of self-chastisement, Perry now describes that atrocity as a "mistake," which -- from his perspective -- closes the matter.

Perry is a cunningly coiffed Keynesian chameleon, a political whore of such pristine shamelessness that he makes Mitt Romney -- the Mighty Morphin' Mormon from Massachusetts -- look like a granite pillar of principled resolve. He began his political career in 1985 as a 35-year-old Democratic state legislator, and three years later worked for Al Gore's presidential campaign -- a fact that might help to explain why he's so heartily despised by the Bush crime family's retainers. As governor he ruled as a standard-issue servitor of the corporatist state. Now this political cross-dresser is getting all Butched-up to play the role of a maverick "state's rights" proponent fixing a steely gunfighter's gaze on the Fed and its allies.

For a rent boy, after all, role-playing is a highly valued professional skill.

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